So I decided to swing the opposite way today. Getting away from jealousy and envy, this post we’re heading toward that person we rely on the most when writing.
Most writers say the same thing: you need at least one person to tell you you’re doing a good job and I’d have to agree. I think every writer needs one – published or not – someone to tell you that what you’re doing is good work (or crap), that they love it or it sucks; someone to bounce your thoughts and ideas off of. They are invaluable.
Now, I can’t speak for published authors, who have editors and agents to go to – somehow I don’t think it’s much different for them in the long run. But we who are unpublished go through the writing process mainly by ourselves. And it is a looooooong process to deal with it alone. Am I right?
For one thing - me being me, I have this wonderfully torturous voice in the back of my head telling me that this sucks. I need to change all of it! No one is going to want to read this…etc. Not all the time, no, but definitely when I’m weakest. And that is when I need my Bestie the most.
That’s right my Best Friend is my go-to person. She is the one who is not afraid to tell me that this is stupid, or fabulous. She’s not afraid of using her mythical Cattle Prod of Doom to get my butt moving once again. And she is the one who reminds me that I love writing and that should be the only thing that matters right now.
Who do you have as your go to person? Who keeps you going?