"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." ~E.L. Doctorow

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award

Well I'm honored to say that I've received my first blog award and isn't it a beauty?

Okay, okay stop trying to eat it already!

Here's how the award goes:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award.

THANK YOU SAM! You rock it big time!!!

2. Share 4 guilty pleasures that you have.

Oh geez. Only 4? I'd better make them good....hmm.

1.) On the days were I want to do nothing but veg, I'll put the kids to bed and flip on the Netflix to watch Bones Marathons. Although now thanks to a certain Dr. Who fanatic I may have a new addiction. (I'm looking at you Sam!)

2.) Frozen (yes I said FROZEN) Mint Milano Cookies. Do not knock it till you've tried it, my friends. Yuuuuu-uuum.

3.) Snuggling down in my bed with the door shut, to read. And I'm talkin' a real ink and paper-paged, bound, hard cover (and yes I have a fixation with hard covered books) book. Reading is a total sensory experience for me so I just can't get into an E-reader. Give me an old fashioned book anytime!

4.) Running away from mommyhood for two hours while both the munchkins are in school and vegging out in my favorite cafe with a large caramel latte in my hand, a laptop/notebook in my lap, and an eye on the decedent cupcakes sitting in the display case right in front of me. *Sigh*

3. Pass the award along to 6 other sweet blogs.

Well if I could I would put Sam's blog in my list, but I'm pretty sure that isn't allowed so...

Confessions From Suite 500

Two of the peeps from FinePrint -Suzie Townsend and Meredith Barnes

They are full of awesomeness.

My Thoughts Exactly

by Coffeelvnmom aka Jessica Brooks

A blog where an Internet loving coffee addict posts her thoughts, feelings and current happenings in her life. Oh, and she writes. And loves owls too.

(yeah I didn't make that one up but don't you love it!)

The Secret Life of a Bibliophile

The thoughts and ramblings of an avid Reader.

by Jen Lamoureux. My good friend and walking library database. She comes in really handy while bookstore stalking. :D

The World Crafter

crafting worlds one idea at a time.

By Katrina (another SheWrites babe!)

1st BOOKS: Stories of How Writers Get Started

by Meg Waite Clayton

She gets extra mega props for putting together the SW Blog Hop. You have my respect Darling!

The Book Frog

by Rebecca Glenn

She's got a FABULOUS site. I absolutely love it! And come on, people! Its called The Book Frog! How cute is that?!


Katrina said...

Thank you so much for the award! I appreciate it so very much. I try to make my site sweet. :)

Catherine Stine said...

Hey, these are great! I'm already following Cat. And I hopped on over to the frog blog and am following now.

Samantha Sotto said...

FROZEN Mint Milano Cookies! Now that's an IDEA!

I'm also all about the cafe-cations :D (Oh, and so happy my Dr. Who love is contagious!)

C.M. Villani said...

You're more than welcome Cat. It is so well deserved!

Catherine - The Blog Frog is one of my favorites! I hope you like it as much as me. :)

Sam - Oh they are definately addictive! You've been warned. :D I'm only a few episodes in but so far O_o. oh and I <3 David Tennant. I just might have to have a marathon this evening.

Kelly Hashway said...

Congrats on the award, C.M.! You deserve it!

C.M. Villani said...

Thanks Kelly! :)

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