"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." ~E.L. Doctorow

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Change in Perspectives

Today's blog is about a change in perspective. With my first work in progress - Purgatory - it was in the first person. It wasn't until I had written and multiply submitted my manuscript that I found out 1st person perspectives are very rarely successful.

I will admit it is a harder way to write. The first person POV severly limits how you can tell your story. You can only show what the main character precieves about the other characters, not what they are actually thinking. You can only show how certain events effect the main character personally and not how the others around them are effected on the inside.

However it also opens up a whole new aspect that you simply don't get into writing in the 3rd person. You delve deeper into the main characters feelings. You see exactly how they relate to the other characters and exactly how they see themselves. It is a more personal, inside their head story. And I truly loved writing that way.

With my second WIP (work in progress) I've decided to take it from the 3rd person's POV. It is a huge change for me, but one I have thoroughly enjoyed. The thing I like most about it is the more writing techniques I explore, the more developed I feel as an author, even if I haven't had a manuscript published yet. I love feeling of the evolution of my craft.

Oh and for the record, I will return to writing in the first person again. I love the intimacy of it.

But until then...


Nicole said...

I have never attempted third person before in my writing. But I think it would be wonderful to explore. I get along alright on the personal narrative, but I think when writing a story I would like to have the freedom 3rd person allows.

Good for you -exploring your craft!

Marsha A. Moore said...

If I wish to create more mystery around the main character, I use 3rd person. But, if I identify with the lead character I just can't resist using 1st person; the emotions flow more naturally.

It's fun to experiment! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

C.M. Villani said...

I do have to say I definately have a soft spot for the emotional attachment that builds with my characters when I write in the first person.

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