This page is dedicated to any sources of information that I've come across on the web, in books, via word of mouth, etc. that I think will be incredibly helpful to other aspiring authors. If anyone has a suggestion please feel free to email me!
Agent Query is a great website to build a list of agents that are interested in your specific genre. But I highly suggest that you double check their submission guidelines on their actual websites before you go ahead and query. Their professional site is going to have the most up-to-date information.
Publishers Marketplace is another website that is good to find agents interested in your genre, however you do have to pay a membership fee to see all of the information.
Jessica over at Bookends LLC has posted a publishing Dictionary on her blog. It includes a lot of common and not so common terms used within the publishing industry. You might be thinking "Seriously?! How stupid does she think I am? I don't need a publishing dictionary." But there are a lot of terms that had me completely baffled originally. Like the difference between Literary rights, Subsidiary Rights, and World rights! Trust me you need to know this stuff!
Preditors and Editors is an absolute must! Before you query any agent I highly suggest you check them out on P&E. They will let you know if the agent or agency has been responsible for any publishing scams.
Because trust me, there are a lot of people out there that are willing to take advantage of you. Protect yourself by doing your homework!
Speaking of, Writer Beware is a blog that covers any and all scams in the publishing world. Anything from Print on Demand Self Publishing to Contests and Awards. It is another must. Make sure your protected by checking out anything that you aren't certain about.
Rule # 1 in the publishing world: Never pay money to get your book published. If you approach an agency and they say they will represent your book if you give them money DON'T ACCEPT! They are supposed to get you the money not visa versa!!